Monday, June 29, 2015

Stay Fit this Summer!


     Before I say anything else, I want everyone to be aware that the title of this post is "Ways to get FIT", and not "Ways to Get Skinny" or "Ways to Lose Weight". There's a huge difference between being fit and being skinny. You can be skinny and be REALLY unfit, and I want all of you to be aware of that. Being fit means that you can perform at your physical best, and does not completely rely on your body shape or size. That being in mind, let me tell you about some simple tricks that I use daily (or try to use daily) to stay fit.
Note: I am not a certified fitness instructor or a nutritionist of any sort, but these are all tips that I use personally and I don't recommend trying anything that does not seem comfortable for you.

1. Drink a LOT of Water
Especially during the summer months when it gets really hot, it's really important to drink water. Anywhere from 2-4 liters would be an adequate amount of water to be drinking. Personally, I really have to work on this one haha :)

2.  Follow Youtube Fitness Channels
If you don't have enough money to spend on a gym membership, you can always follow Youtubers who specialize in fitness videos. Some of my favorites are Blogilates and Tone It Up. Both these channels have some great workouts that really make you sweat and they also have recipes for healthier foods. Make sure to check them out!

3. Keep a Fitness Diary
Having someplace to log your workouts and eating habits can really help you achieve your goals faster. I personally have a binder where I keep pamphlets for workouts from my gym, printed workouts, and any other notes that I have made or tips that I have for myself to stay on track.

4. Get Enough Sleep 
It is actually very important to make sure you get enough rest each night, because it affects the way your body functions. If you are well rested, you'll be able to perform better when you workout and it helps to prevent bloating and plateauing.

5. Watch What You Eat 
It's pretty much are what you eat! To stay fit and healthy, you have to cut out all the sugars and unnatural foods from your diet. Try to stick to eating greens and natural foods. Stay away from the sodas, donuts, and french hard as it may be! If you are consistent with doing this, you'll achieve the results you want in no time.

6. Workout with Friends
Personally, I hate working out alone. I'm not even quite sure why, but I just don't feel comfortable if someone isn't there with me. Instead, I workout with my friends. It's a lot more fun, and you have someone to keep you on your toes.

7. Metabolism Boosters
Make sure to eat plenty of metabolism boosters, like green tea and celery. There's plenty more out there, so you can do a quick google search to find a list. Metabolism boosters are usually low in calories and help you to digest food faster, so that you don't gain fat.

8. Make a Workout Playlist
The music really does keep you going, so it's a lot more fun to run on the treadmill when you are listening to some upbeat songs rather than just staring at the little screen that counts your calories and heart rate, you feel me? Haha, but trust me, the music really does help. And, if any of you use Spotify, they came out with a new update recently that makes the beat of the music change to how fast or slow you're running. Isn't that cool??

9. Set Short Term Goals
You already know your long term goal...staying fit. Now, make some short term goals to get there. For example, you can say "by the end of this week I want to be able to lift 20lb weights and do 50 reps..." I don't know, haha...but something like that. Make sure your goals are realistic, so that you have something to motivate you throughout the week or however long your deadline is.

10. Keep a Positive Attitude 
It's not going to come have to work really hard to achieve your fitness goals. It certainly won't happen over night! It may seem frustrating sometimes, but you have to have the willpower to tell yourself to keep going. If you can keep telling yourself that you can achieve your goals, YOU WILL :)

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