Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Hair Care Routine & Essentials

Summer Hair Care Essentials

     It's finally summer time...time to sport that beachy, salty hair! Of course, it's really important to maintain healthy hair and good habits when it comes to hair care. That's why today I want to talk a bit more about hair care and some good products to use.
     First off, I want to say that I think essential oils work better than any leave in shampoo or conditioner. They're all natural, and personally I think they heed better results. Lately I have been using argan oil, and it works wonders. I apply just a dab of it to my palms and finger-comb it through the ends of my hair. It leaves the ends so soft and since I didn't apply very much, your hair doesn't end up looking greasy and in need of a wash. I have also tried coconut and olive oil, but I think argan works the best (at least for me).
     Another tip I have is that when you comb to detangle your hair, use a thick brush or a wide toothed comb. Brush from the ends to the roots, as that causes less damage to the tips. When your hair is wet, don't use a brush. The best thing to use is a wide tooth comb.
      If you're looking for a DIY hair mask, try eggs. I know it may seem weird, but trust works. Separate the yolk from the whites, because you aren't going to use the yellow part (it makes your hair stink). Just apply the egg whites as you normally would for a hair mask and you will be left with soft, shiny hair that is less prone to damage.
     Try to stay away from heat, especially in the summer when you're going to be exposed to the sun more anyways. If you must use styling products though, make sure to apply a heat protectant spray so that your hair won't get damaged. I honestly don't use a lot of heat, so I don't experiment with a lot of protectant sprays, so the brand would be up to your choosing.
     If you want to step it up a notch, use essential oil shampoos and conditioners. They are more likely to have all natural ingredients and less harsh chemicals. Again, you can choose which oil you would prefer to use. I recommend experimenting around to see which type of oil works best with your hair.
     As for styling products, in summer I just use a simple sea salt spray for beachy waves. Currently I am using the Tres Semmé Perfectly Undone Sea Salt Spray with Sea Kelp Extract. This one works great and gives me the perfect waves...and smells nice too :)
     So I hope these basic hair care tips were helpful for you! This is pretty much how I maintain my hair, and let me know about any products that you use and any other tips that you have!
A n i k a